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Parent Category: The Web
Category: Joomla
Last Updated: 25 October 2015
Created: 30 March 2014
Hits: 3532
Source: forum.joomla.org
I haven't tested it yet (as you can see) but it's the only solution I found that doesn't include installation of an extra Component:
- Connect with your favorite FTP program to your Server, find “components/com_content/router.php“, download and make a backup of the file ... then edit it.
- Find and Replace:
$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);
With this:
$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);
There are two places need to do this change, one near the top, one in the middle
- You want to edit your router.php file:
- From: ->where($db->quoteName(‘alias’) . ‘ = ‘ . $db->quote($db->quote($segment)));
- To: ->where($db->quoteName(‘alias’) . ‘ = ‘ . $db->quote($segment));
- Save, reupload the file and test it.
Update: Tested and working perfectly. Be sure to search for the line in step 3 thoroughly in case the copy paste doesn't work.