
Download the Action Replay DSi software




Installing the Software using the Downloaded Folder


Firstly you need to extract the downloaded disc contents folder, double click the downloaded compressed zip file and select the option to extract the files. You can extract the files to a location of your choice.


In order to begin the installation, simply double click the ‘setup.exe’ file from within the uncompressed folder. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software to a location of your choice. Once complete, you will continue to need the uncompressed folder to install the USB drivers when prompted. Locate the program in your Start Menu to run it.


In order to communicate with your Action Replay cartridge, your PC needs to be connected to it using the supplied USB to mini USB lead. Unlike previous versions of Action Replay DS, the cartridge should never be connected to your DS when you connect it to your PC. Connect the larger end of the USB lead to a free USB port on your PC and the smaller end to the mini USB connector on the Action Replay cartridge. When Action Replay is connected for the first time, Windows will prompt you to install the drivers.



Installing the Drivers using the Downloaded Folder


When you connect Action Replay to your PC Windows will prompt you to install the USB drivers for the new hardware. Direct Windows to the uncompressed downloaded folder. If Windows informs you that it is unable to locate the necessary drivers you may need to manually install the USB drivers.


Firstly you will need to access a part of Windows called Device Manager which will allow you access the options required to manually install the USB drivers.

In order to access Device Manager please follow these steps:


Windows 7 and Windows Vista Users, please follow these steps to access Device Manager:


Select your Start button, right-click on your Computer icon and select `Properties`.

On the shown system screen, select `device manager` from the tasks list shown on the left side of the screen.

Before the device manager screen is displayed, you may be shown a `User Account control` screen which states `Windows needs your permission to continue`. Select `Continue`.


Windows XP Users, please follow these steps to access Device Manager:


Select your Start button, right-click on your My Computer icon and select `Properties`.

On the shown system properties screen, select `hardware`.


Select `device manager`.


Windows 7 and Windows Vista Users, please follow these steps to install the drivers:

Step 1: Double click the Action Replay DSi icon.

Step 2: Select ‘Driver’.

Step 3: Select ‘Update Driver’.

Step 4: Select ‘Browse my computer for the driver software’.

Step 5: Select ‘Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer’.

Step 6: Highlight ‘Show all Devices’.

Step 7: Select ‘Next’.

Step 8: Select ‘Have Disk’.

Step 9: Select ‘Browse’

Step 10: Direct Windows to the uncompressed downloaded folder.

Step 11: Highlight the file named ‘dsiarhwprog’ if you are using a 32bit release of Windows or highlight the file named ‘dsiarhwprog_x64’ if you are using a 64bit release of Windows.

Step 12: Select ‘Open’.

Step 13: Select ‘OK’.

Step 14: Select ‘Next’.

Step 15: If you are shown a message which asks you to confirm the installation of the driver/software, select the button to confirm the installation.


Windows XP Users, please follow these steps to install the drivers:

Step 1: Double click the Action Replay DSi icon.

Step 2: Select ‘Driver’.

Step 3: Select ‘Update Driver’.

Step 4: Select ‘Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)’.

Step 5: Select ‘Don’t search, I will choose the driver to install’.

Step 6: Select ‘Next’.

Step 7: Highlight ‘Show All Devices’.

Step 8: Select ‘Next’.

Step 9: Select ‘Have Disk’.

Step 10: Select ‘Browse’

Step 11: Direct Windows to the uncompressed downloaded folder.

Step 12: Highlight the file named ‘dsiarhwprog’ if you are using a 32bit release of Windows or highlight the file named ‘dsiarhwprog_x64’ if you are using a 64bit release of Windows.

Step 13: Select ‘Open’.

Step 14: Select ‘OK’.

Step 15: Select ‘Next’.

Step 16: If you are shown a message which asks you to confirm the installation of the driver/software, select the button to confirm the installation.

DSi Action Replay Hardware Reset

If your DSi Action Replay no longer appears to load on your console, or when using the included DSi Action Replay Code Manager PC software the message ‘ARLE System Error’ is reported. You may need to perform a hardware reset, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the DSi Action Replay Code Manager PC software
  2. Disconnect the DSi Action Replay from your console and connect it to your computer using the included USB cable
  3. When installed by Windows the DSi Action Replay will be detected by the Code Manager PC software which is confirmed by the message ‘Waiting for Action Replay Card’ no longer being displayed beneath the section ‘Memory Card’
  4. Select the four coloured circles from the top left of the software’s screen and select the option ‘About Action Replay DSi Code Manager’
  5. Select ‘Reset Hardware’ from the displayed screen to begin the hardware reset
  6. You are now asked to confirm the reset, select ‘Yes’ if you would like to continue, select ‘No’ to cancel. During the reset the displayed screen confirms the progress
  7. Once the hardware reset is complete as prompted disconnect and reconnect your DSi Action Replay after which select ‘OK’
  8. Transfer the codes which you require by dragging and dropping the game names from under the section ‘Subscriptions’ to the section ‘Memory Card’, select ‘Commit Changes’ and select ‘Yes’ to the displayed message


Using the software.

  1. Open the DSi Action Replay Code Manager PC software
  2. Disconnect the DSi Action Replay from your console and connect it to your computer using the included USB cable
  3. On the left side of the software, you will see the Codes that are already installed in your Action Replay card. On the right side, you will have the Codejunkies US (United States) / EU (Europe) / JP (Japan) Subscriptions with all the possible game codes.
  4. If you want to put a new game code in your Action Replay card, click on the cross corresponding to your Region on the right pane, search for the game you want to add, select it and then click add or drag and drop it on the left pane.
  5. After a few seconds this operation will be completed and the “Commit Changes” button on the top left of the software will be enabled. Click on it once and wait for the program to finish the update.
  6. You will see a message allowing you to disconnect the card from the PC. You can do so and load your favorite game on your DS/DSi.


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